What actually are introverts and extroverts??

Introverts are those who are reactive to external stimulations and generally, don’t prefer more social interactions. Whereas, extroverts are those who are less reactive to external stimulations and prefer more social interactions. Furthermore, introverts like to stay alone and don’t like sudden changes but extroverts are opposite to it. They like to be in crowd, being loud and behave as usual with the changes.

When introverts and extroverts need to be talked based on the colleagues. Introverts are actually, deep thinkers and so if we go on their appearances, we may get confused and may derive wrong judgements. Judging their appearances, you may think he/she is waste because they are not the ‘front comers’. Literally, they are ‘lunch on your’ type which means that they need time and space to get adjusted or to make any decisions. They think lot before talking or acting. Because of this, they feel very hard with their colleagues. Having said this, it is not true if we conclude that they are not useful for teamwork. Of course, they can work in a team. In fact, a team with combination of both introverts and extroverts can be the best for the organisation.

Introverts prefer one-one conversation. They may feel bored and may be inactive in a crowd. They prefer solo work, but they are the best thinkers and advisers. Example can be taken of Albert Einstein, who proposed the theory of relativity but he was introvert. Colleagues as well as organisations can be benefitted with introverts if they are given proper time and space and also if they are provided with peaceful environments. During meetings, they do not speak much but they are the
best listener. They generally, gather all the data and analyse them internally in their mind and come up with the best solution. So, basically colleagues should understand their nature and treat them respectfully so that all of them can be benefitted.

Contrast, to this are the extroverts. They prefer crowd and tend to think loud. They go through more group discussions rather than their own mind thinking. During meeting, they keep on talking what he/she have in his/her mind. They easily and quickly get more attached with their colleagues. They can perform best in a group projects. They are best to handle emergencies and find quick solution.
Hence, it can’t be said that either the introverts or extroverts are the best. They are both best with respective their nature and works. Both are the essential parts for the proper functioning of the organisation and an organisation can give sound performance, if they give equal importance to both introverts and extroverts.


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